Provide fellowship and support to our senior parishioners at Sacred Heart. A "Golden Oldies" favorite is the monthly pot-luck luncheon held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 11:30. All Seniors are invited.
Provides Holy Communion to the sick and the elderly at their homes or nursing homes usually on Sundays. They inform the priest if anyone they have visited needs the Sacraments of Reconciliation and/or the Anointing of the Sick.
Offers support to the immediate family members of our parish who have lost a loved one through death by providing meals either at the parish or brought to their homes.
33 Sacred Heart Volunteers bring the love of Christ to those in need in our local community by assisting with food, rent, utilities & more! Teams visit people in their homes and pray and offer spiritual support as well. We couldn't do it without your help! Thank you for your generosity.
Who We Are and What We Do......
Founded in 1833, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide organization of Catholics, following Christ’s call to serve the poor, the suffering and the deprived. The Sacred Heart Conference comprises 15+ volunteers who give generously of their time, talent and treasure to assist our neighbors most in need. We endeavor to serve anyone who reaches out to us for help. Our only requirement is that they live in Rowlett (Dallas County) or Sachse. If a neighbor contacts us and they live outside these boundaries, we refer them directly to the SVdP Conference that serves their geographic area – the North Texas Council serves a 5-county area.
Our founding activity, still practiced today, is the Home Visit. Through these visits, Vincentian members establish personal relationships with our neighbors in need, not only providing material assistance such as rent, utilities, food, clothing or furniture, but also offering friendship, understanding and prayer. If we help with payment of a rent or utility bill, a check is sent directly to the landlord or service provider; funds are never distributed to the neighbor directly.
So, you may ask, where does the money come from that we use to help our neighbors? The answer is simple. We receive NO funds from the Diocese of Dallas. We receive NO funds from Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Virtually ALL of the funds we use to help our neighbors come from our own members fundraising and from most generous donors!!
In this past year, our Conference touched the lives of 465 adults (including seniors) and 624 children totaling over $100,000 of direct financial assistance to our most needy neighbors. But we could NEVER accomplish our mission without YOUR help. We are looking for others who, like us, want to help our neighbors break the cycle of poverty and move towards the full flourishing of every life!
Is your heart touched by the work of SVDP? Join us! Become a Vincentian! Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 6:30 pm at Sacred Heart.
Contact: [email protected] or speak to any St. Vincent de Paul Member.
The world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization engaged in charity (both locally and globally).