It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain
John 15:16
Prolong the mission of Jesus
In our parish we pray that priests throughout the world will prolong the mission of Jesus and extend his Kingdom. We suggest the prayer of St. Jean-Marie Vianney, the Curé of Ars, patron of priests and confessors.
Prayer for Priests
Almighty and eternal God, look upon the face of your Divine Son and for love of Him, have mercy on your priests.
Remember that they are but weak and frail creatures, keep alive in them the fire of your love and guard them so that the enemy may not prevail against them and at no time make them unworthy of their holy vocation.
I pray to you for your faithful and fervent priests, for those who work near or in distant missions and for those who have abandoned you.
O Jesus, I pray for your priests young and old, for those who are sick or dying and for the souls of those in purgatory.
O Jesus, I pray to You for the priest who baptized me, for the priests who forgive my sins, for those whose Masses I have attended and am attending, for those who instructed and counseled me, for all for whom I have some reason to be grateful.
O Jesus, keep them all in your Heart, grant them abundant blessings in time and eternity Amen.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, bless your priests. Sacred Heart of Jesus, sanctify your priests. Sacred Heart of Jesus, reign for your priests. Mary, mother of priests, pray for them. Lord, give us priestly and religious vocations.